Cold plasma as a disinfection method in medicine

Cold Plasma uses this principle to "dissociate" complex viruses, bacteria, spores, etc. - i.e. to break them down into their individual parts and later "recombine" them into harmless low-energy new structures. The kind and mutation type of viruses etc. is irrelevant, it only has to fit "energetically" into the "prey scheme".

Cold, atmospheric plasma has been produced since the early 1990s. The first medical devices for disinfection and wound treatment have been approved since 2013. Therefore, cold plasma also has excellent properties: It stimulates the tissue to regenerate and strengthens the immune system .

What other applications for disinfection using cold plasma are conceivable?

Plasma only needs some electricity and air to work. Therefore disinfection methods for surfaces based on cold plasma are conceivable for many industrial purposes. This includes, for example, air and water treatment or surface disinfection. Plasma-based disinfection methods are particularly suitable here, as materials are not attacked. This also enables applications on temperature-sensitive surfaces, human skin or safety-relevant components made of rubber compounds.

The most important advantages over chemical disinfection methods are the pollution of the environment, undesirable by-products (DNP) or odors.

In addition, no resistance can be developed here by microorganisms.

In contrast to disinfection with UV-C light, cold plasma has no problems with shadowing. As a result, it is also suitable for use on uneven and amorphous surfaces.

How can cold plasma be integrated into these applications?

With Plasma-BOD. The special feature of the plasma-based surface disinfector is that it enables a chemical-free disinfection of surfaces of any kind.



Plasma-BOD is a protected and registered principle

Learn more about P-Bod